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Arappu Powder 100% Natural and organic. Traditional hair wash and bath powder. The Arappu leaves are plucked when they are tender, just like tea harvesting and are sun dried




Arappu Powder 100% Natural and organic. Traditional hair wash and bath powder. The Arappu leaves are plucked when they are tender, just like tea harvesting and are sun dried. They are washed off any dirt or soil on them and once they are dried, they are ground to a fine powder. Raj also mentioned that the tribal women, along with Albizia Amara leaves collect various other herbs such as “Shikakai, gooseberry and tamarind in different seasons”. Western Ghats because of its richness biologically and located biogeographically in a very unique terrain makes it a veritable treasure house for biodiversity. அரப்பு தூள்

அரப்பு தூள் Arappu Powder
அரப்பு தூள் Arappu Powder
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